
Monday, August 4, 2008

So far, this year sucs

This year is not going good so far. My game goes up one day and down the next. Look(click) at the charts, so you can understand how frustrated I am. On the left is my total for the year 2007. I was wining every day. Chart on the right shows year 2008 so far. I dont't know what changed this year. It started good, but since February 11, I cannot put a few wining days together. I have long periods of bad cards. For hours I get only 9,2 or Q,3... Sometimes my frustration takes over and I start playing like an idiot. Next day I hate my self .... but again 9,4; J,3 .... I feel that my game is better than a year ago, but still I have to practice to be more patient, and even walk away from the table if cards are not falling my way. This year I played 183 cash games and tournaments, total of 956 hours and I'm up $907. Monthly average is: 26 games for 136 hours. I made $1 per hour.
Don't laugh, someone is losing that dollar.

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