After I spent ten days with my son, family and friends in Belgrade, I found some time one evening to visit SkyPoker Club. It was Saturday night and they had freezout tournament with 2,300 dinars buy in, about $30. There was only 20 players and I was late for the start. I watched action of final seven, and didn't noticed much skill.
After the tournament there was no interest for the cash game. They usually play Texas Holdem with blinds 25-50 dinars, about $0.35-0.70. Someone suggested small sit and go with buy in 1,100 dinars ($15). There was seven of us. I noticed that they like to semi-bluff but after my re-raise they folded every time, not much skill and zero reading ability. Game was short and friendly and I tried to make new friends.
First few guys lost they idiotic all-in, and three of us made the "money". I took one out, and I was heads up for the first place, but behind in chips. I knew with my skills I could take this one down. Every time I was all-in my opponent folded and I became the chip leader. Than ... I lost on the river my on the turn all-in raise, and it was over in the next hand. I was second and got 2,100 dinars ($30) and the winner got about $48.

Belgrade has a few poker clubs and casinos. Poker room in the "Grand casino" can’t establish the game, and it looks like they don’t want poker action. Private clubs are semi-legal and have daily tournaments and cash games after. They operate from 8pm-6am. Crowd is mostly young, early twenties. They like poker but they are behind comparing to my Madison poker friends. I’m impressed with their enthusiasm and love for the game even they live in the hard economoc situation.
If you are looking for a poker room check this search engine. Click on the state, than click the city.
Here are some poker clubs in Belgrade.
Grand Casino
Wb site:
Office: +381-11-2202-800
25 tables (American Roulette, Blackjack, Casino Stud Poker, Three Card Poker, Texas Hold’em Poker)
230 slots
Sky Poker Club
Jurija Gagarina 151,
Blok 44,TC MalaPiramida, 1 sprat, lok.91
New Belgrade, Serbia 11070
Web site:
Meridijan Poker Klub
Kraljice Marije br. 31
Belgrade 11000
Phone +381-62-885-0284
Texas Hold'em Club TenStars
Novi Beograd, Gandijeva 17a,
Phone: 63/477-761
Grand Casino
Wb site:
Office: +381-11-2202-800
25 tables (American Roulette, Blackjack, Casino Stud Poker, Three Card Poker, Texas Hold’em Poker)
230 slots